学生们开始高中渴望更多的挑战, 更大的独立性, 与老师和朋友建立更紧密的联系. Waynflete helps students get ready for what comes next—college, 职业生涯, community service—without losing sight of the wonder and joy of where they are right now.
由专职教师领导的小班授课, students get the one-on-one support they need to meet and exceed rigorous academic expectations. bet365官网紧密的, caring community encourages students to become truly active learners: stretching skills, 承担真正的风险, 解决现实问题. 追求自己的兴趣,发现新的激情. To understand diverse perspectives and to find their own unique voice. And to be fully present for all the special moments and milestones the high school years can offer.
Every Waynflete graduate goes forward knowing they were seen, 已知的, and held close during one of the most formative times in their lives, 这就是为什么他们走得这么远.
上课前从咖啡馆买咖啡和百吉饼. Astrophysics, Mandarin Chinese, Marine Coastal Ecology, Poetry and Revolution, and Philosophy. Firing pots in ceramics, Chamber Music Festival, lacrosse games, writing for LitMag. 没有钟声, 历史悠久的校园, that college-is-so-close feeling… Let our students show you what life at Waynflete 上学校 is really like and why they love it.
对于那些在学校表现很好的学生, it can be harder to see how transformative a Waynflete education can be. 定制的校园之旅会告诉你.
We can’t wait to show you why Waynflete graduates thrive at the most competitive colleges. See what happens when all your classes are seminars filled with diverse voices and perspectives. 当你有一个专门的学术顾问, 一个紧密联系的教室, 对老师直呼其名. 当你可以从紧张中选择, inspiring electives like Astrophysics or Women in Islam and pursue your own independent projects. 当你在台湾bet365官网普通话的时候, 新奥尔良的气候变化, or travel to compete in Model UN or the FIRST Robotics World Championship. When you show your art in the campus gallery or perform on Portland’s most advanced theater stage. When you play or cheer your heart out during Friday Night Lights on the Fore River Fields right before the 首页coming dance. And most importantly, how it feels to have friends from over 50 communities in southern Maine.
课间没有铃声. bet365官网不受限制. Free periods, teacher office hours, and 历史悠久的校园 in the heart of Portland’s West End. See for yourself how our unique approach to education better prepares Waynflete graduates for the world. 如果你想知道韦恩弗莱特是否适合你, 让bet365官网定制一个简单的, low-stress campus visit around your favorite academics and activities! 今天安排参观!
就像亲身体验一样, 体验式bet365官网是bet365官网课程的核心, exploring our campus and classrooms is an essential part of the application process. bet365官网的入学活动很有趣, 互动, 无压力的观摩机会, 听取学生和老师的意见, 与现任父母交谈, 和更多的. 参见即将到来的入学活动
Waynflete is well-已知的 for the depth and discipline of its arts curriculum. We know all students possess the ability to express themselves artistically and respond to the work of others. Our performing and visual arts curriculum helps students hone their craft and share their vision.
Waynflete 体育运动 encourages collective and individual achievement and instills the qualities that create wins: hard work, 领导, 团队合作, 体育精神, 永远不要放弃. Whether students compete on a varsity team or strive for a personal best, 他们在韦恩弗莱特找到了自己的优势.
College admissions should focus on the journey, not the destination.
应用ing to college is an internal journey as much as an external one and the Waynflete college counseling process ensures every student finds a school that supports them as well as we do. We hold seminars for students and parents on a wide range of helpful topics. We meet with parents one-on-one and in small groups, just as we do weekly with juniors and seniors. See how Waynflete sends students to top colleges and universities not by pressuring and pushing—but by listening, 支持, 并授权
Thirteen Chinese language students recently traveled to Taiwan for a 12-day educational sightseeing and school exchange program. Splitting their time between Taipei and Yilan in eastern Taiwan, bet365官网的学生对历史有了深刻的了解, 传统, 台湾的建筑和文化...
The Class of 2024 is poised to attend a number of impressive colleges and universities! Explore the list below to discover where our graduates will be headed in the fall. Bard College Bates College Boston College Boston University Bowdoin College...
又是一年,又是精彩的高年级掌声! Watch the full video of faculty, staff, and students cheering on the graduating class at wf-link.org/clapin2024.
bet365官网知道每个学生的需求 更多的 今年.
更多来自老师一对一的关注. 更多的动手,深入,具有挑战性的bet365官网. 有更多的时间和朋友联系. See how Waynflete will make the most of this school year
7种方法 让学生对科学感兴趣
在科学领域工作过的教师. 大学课程. 现实世界的研究机会. 概念,过程,写作的核心重点. 看看为什么bet365官网的学生擅长STEM吧